Love Chat with Natalie

Love Chat with Natalie

Natalie's journey began 16 years ago as a Pure Romance consultant. She loved empowering and educating women on sexual health. They would seek her advice and talk with her for hours. From then on Natalie realized she had a gift. People felt comfortable with her. So she went back to school to get her Masters in Psychology and decided to start her own business, Love Chat with Nat. I have her with me today to tell us her story and about Love Chat.

KOI: How did Love Chat with Nat come about?

Love Chat: 16 years ago, I became a consultant with Pure Romance consultant (still am). I absolutely loved empowering and educating women on sexual health. So much so, that women would come into the ordering room and talk to me for hours. Cry to me. Ask for my advice. Vent to me. I realized that I had a gift. People felt comfortable with me. I went back to school and got my Masters in Psychology and decided to start my own business, Love Chat with Nat.

KOI: What was your key driving force?

Love Chat: I wanted to work with cancer survivors and help them with intimacy after cancer. I realized how delicate the topic was and how much they needed my support. 

 KOI: What services do you offer?

Love Chat: I offer group hypnotherapy sessions, private hypnotherapy session, and private coaching.

KOI: Tell me about Reconnect Restore Reclaim, your sexual affirmation cards…why did you develop them?

Love Chat: I was working with a client who was a childhood sexual abuse survivor and suggested she looked for sexuality affirmation cards. We couldn’t find any! So I created a deck for her, and decided to offer them as a product. They help to release shame, guilt, and fear so that you can reconnect with your body and reclaim your sexuality. 

KOI: Where can followers purchase the cards?

Love Chat: Right here

KOI: What drew you to hypnotherapy?

Love Chat: I was pursuing my PhD in Clinical Sexology and they offered it as a course. I fell in love!

KOI: How long have you been doing hypnotherapy?

Love Chat: 3 years

KOI: What is your favorite thing about owning and running Love Chat with Nat?

Love Chat: To see the transformation in my clients. To see them find peace and love within themselves.

KOI: For what reasons should someone choose hypnotherapy?

Love Chat: Limiting and/or negative beliefs, fears, bad habits, pain. Inner child healings, confidence, stress, anxiety, weight management. Truly anything!

KOI: Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?

Love Chat: My clients. They inspire me.

KOI: What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?

Love Chat: I am a know it all 🤣. I have to learn and understand everything so I never stop. I remain a student.

KOI: Where can our followers find you? 

Love Chat: Website: 

Instagram: @LovechatwithNat

Facebook: @LovechatwithNat

KOI: Do you have a special offer for our followers?

Love Chat: 20% off first session booking.

JUST FOR FUN – fast round

If you could only eat one item for every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pasta or pizza...sorry that’s 2

What book are you reading now? White Fragility

What’s one item you can’t leave your house or apartment without? My phone!

What’s the top destination on your must-visit list? Greece. I was supposed to go over the summer but we had to cancel it.

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